Monday, July 18, 2011

They’re Here!!

The horses arrived at the horse park at about 7:30 this evening. All the competitors were eager to see their horses and were hanging around waiting for them. We had some ice cream as we waited. We had carrots for the horses. Maya was holding her horse's stud chain for so long she just wore it around her neck.

After a while the truck came around the corner. All of the girls were really really excited.

Logan’s dad warned everyone that the horses might try to rush out of the trailer.
All the horses were very eager to get out of the trailer. You would be too if you had been standing for 2 1/2 days. But, they all behaved and waited for their turn to taken out of the trailer.

We got them out and they walked around and ate some grass. All of them seemed to love the green fields. Everyone looked fine except Logan's horse got bitten on the nose (he is fine). After the horses stretched their legs and went into their stalls, everyone packed up the trailer and took their things up to the stalls where they started setting up their tack rooms.

Oh, I forgot to mention. The trailer blew out one of its tires a couple of hours before it reached Lexington. The drivers just drove straight through. I heard they don’t try to stop and change the tires when something like this happens.  

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