Sunday, March 27, 2011

Quiz Rally

Quiz Rally was really fun. It was in the same place as the Quiz Championships West for 2010.
In Mega, there was a really cool table that had different jumps and we had to identify them.

In the barn phase, we took the temperature, pulse and respiration of a toy horse. (He had a very low tempeature , no pulse and no respiration)

The classroom phase wasn't as bad as we thought. The judge was really nice and explained all the rules. The question I got was "What is the difference between a Bone Spavin and a Bog Spavin?" I totally made up the answer.
No. That is not me in the picture. I looked way more confused!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Middle California is preparing for Quiz

Middle California Region's qualifying Quiz Rally tomorrow.

Our region's brand new club Fox Chase Pony Club is working really hard.  They even held a rating so that their brand new members could rate up to D2 and qualify for championships. Their Polo shirts are here.

Redwood Hills Pony Club had a quiz sleepover and a mock quiz rally to prepare. They had mock foxhunt so their competitors could learn the foxhunting terms. I didn't get to be there. But I'll find photos for you. They made up rap to remember the felt colors for each rating.


Hello Everyone
  Are you all exited for Championships and Festival!

Here in Middle California Region, the rally season begins tomorrow. I'll write here about the qualifying rallies from my region. I might even visit a few rallies in my neighbouring regions. I hope to share some great photos and videos from the rallies and eventually the championships.
I hope to keep you updated about what's happening!